Scotcoin Call on Start-Up Entrepreneurs

You may not already be aware, but while Bitcoin has been simmering away in the news recently over the controversial identity crisis of Satoshi Nakamoto, Scotland’s very own cryptocurrency Scotcoin has been making larger waves in the country’s business world.

Since 2013, Scotcoin has grown at a rapid pace and now ranks in the top thirty cryptocurrencies in the world for its value, which is a pretty impressive feat for a 3-year-old company to beat out over 600 worldwide cryptocurrencies.

Bitcoin and Scotcoin both sit on the same blockchain, which is one of the most trusted and secure in the world due to its link with Bitcoin. If the world of cryptocurrency is new to you, a blockchain is a technology for this new generation of transactional applications that aims to form trust, accountability, and transparency, while streamlining business processes, giving businesses a helping hand to manage the flow of goods and related payments. This blockchain is used to validate all Scotcoin transactions through the Counterparty platform.

Scotcoin sits extremely safely and securely on this enabling technology, making monetary transfers almost immediate without any outside or go-between help needed. It also transfers this money at a very small percentage cost compared to banks and other financial intermediaries, and, of course, everyone wants low processing fees.

With all that said, Scotcoin are now encouraging young start-up businesses and entrepreneurs to use and operate Scotcoin to benefit both their company and the Scottish economy. If your small business is suitable, Scotcoin is offering a substantial loan of 1 million Scotcoin to help get your business venture off the ground and running.

The Scotcoin loan will provide these new start-up companies with lots of different helpful methods including hot desks with computers and hosting, web design, and virtual assistants, as well as all important business mentoring to guide young entrepreneurs in the right direction with their business ventures. These are only a few of the fantastic advantages companies will receive when accepting the 1 million Scotcoin loan, and will help to not only grow these businesses but will also, in turn, promote the growth of the Scottish Economy with taxes and jobs.

Don’t be discouraged if this all seems a little confusing and you are not sure how you would integrate this onto your site. If you are one of the lucky businesses to receive this loan, the Scotcoin team offers an application programming interface for you too, meaning you can take Scotcoin onto your website and they will help you to integrate this into your web offering.

Scotcoin has already begun to line up individuals and businesses who will take Scotcoin to help get their venture started. If you want to find out more about the marketing incentives that can benefit your business, if it is suitable for the Scotcoin loan, and how Scotcoin is aiding Scotland, check out our full website or pop over an email to [email protected], who can help get you sorted with all the information you need.



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