The Scotcoin Project CIC (“TSP”) Director Appointment

TSP is pleased to announce the appointment of Douglas Drummond as a director with immediate effect.

Douglas has a long association with Scotcoin and was instrumental in developing and testing the ERC20 SCOT, Douglas has a wide breadth of experience in blockchain and crypto currencies and will be an invaluable member of the project going forward. 

Temple Melville, CEO of The Scotcoin Project CIC said “ I am delighted to welcome Douglas back on board. He has been a great supporter all along and I look forward to working beside him again.” 

Douglas Drummond said “Great to be back and looking forward to working with the new fee free, layer 2 solution: Scotwallet.”

Further announcements relating to TSP’s progression towards an Initial Exchange Offering are expected over the coming months.

For more information contact:- 

[email protected]


i) Scotcoin is Scotland’s only digital currency.

ii) The Scotcoin Project is a community interest company (CIC)

iii) Website:

iv) Social channels:

Facebook: @scotcoin

Twitter: @ScotcoinProject

LinkedIn: Scotcoin Project CIC

v) Recent coverage for Scotcoin and The Scotcoin Project :

vi) The new Scotcoin Wallet Android app is now available on google.

vii) Jonathan Richards

Brand Manager, Scotcoin and The Scotcoin Project

E: [email protected]


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