The Scotcoin Pizza… Mark this date!

Scotcoin PizzaAt our MeetUp in Dundee last night, intrepid blockchain enthusiasts joined our cryptocurrency development team for a momentous occasion.  We now have 250 regular guests at these events and we discuss all manner of things blockchain, Q&A for newbies, and it’s a chance to meet the team behind the Scotcoin Project and find out more about it.

The bitcoin pizza and its value today

Back on 22 May 2010,  an extremely fortunate pizza vendor sold two pizzas, for 10,000 Bitcoins. Nowadays, those 10,000 Bitcoins are worth $34,500,000! 

Ten thousand coins were then worth about $40 (£30).  A British user agreed to buy the pizza for this pizza-munching developer, and even at the time the buyer got a good deal out of it: The Brit paid only $25 (£19) for the two pizzas to be delivered to the developer.  The day has gone down in history as being World Bitcoin Pizza Day and so we’d like to record the first ever pizzas sold in Scotcoin too.

The Scotcoin Pizza and how Scotcoin is valued

Leading Italian restaurant Don Michelle in Perth Road, Dundee supplied the pizzas and are now accepting Scotcoin for pizzas at just 1,000 Scotcoin per pizza.  Restaurateur Patric Lochi “I am delighted to be involved with the Scotcoin Project. Quite apart from the iconic Bitcoin Pizza Purchase, we have just started using Scotcoin for our on-line offerings – Just Eat here we come!”

The details for posterity:

Date:                      19 September 2017

Price per pizza:     1,000 Scotcoin/£7

Supplier:                Don Michelle, Perth Road, Dundee

Our live feed from the event is available here:

With thanks to Ronan Sandford for organising the venue, Don Michelle for the pizzas, Product Forge for the live broadcasting and everyone who came along!

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