For information, was thoroughly tested by experienced developers initially, then internally by the Scotcoin team, and Information security people. Only when we were satisfied with it did we put it to our own users. It was tested before and after it was introduced to Telegram users on 1st of July. ScotScan has also been tested using two industry standard security tools that check for vulnerabilities. It is fully encrypted and protected by a SHA256 RSA SSL certificate. It is recommended users set up 2FA (Two factor authentication) using Google authenticator and that is stated and shown on our user guide and YouTube videos on how to set it up. Bear in mind Etherscan has verified us and we have been audited by, from whom we received their highest rating.

We have an extensive information security policy framework document, as submitted to The Financial conduct authority

ScotScan ensures people use a password of at least 12 characters using capitals and lowercase letters, numbers and special characters and it is recommended to use 2FA (two factor authentication) using Google authenticator as an extra layer of security. Of course, users have the responsibility to ensure their own laptop, PC, Mac, or phone has all the latest operating system and anti-virus, anti-malware software installed and updated. This is the sole responsibility of the user alone.

Regular backups are taken of the servers hosting ScotScan, however, we are NOT responsible, nor do we take responsibility for lost passphrases or passwords created, and lost wallets.

ScotScan token tracker simply provides tracking access to the Ethereum blockchain. It does NOT provide custody or safe keeping of your tokens. This service simply provides access to the Ethereum Blockchain

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