
AS PART OF OUR SCOTCOIN UPDATE  WE ARE DELIGHTED to say that the migration to our new ERC20 SCOTCOIN is going well. Our exchange is updated and operational using our new coin and it is available for purchase. In addition, the website has been updated to reflect our new coin. PLEASE REMEMBER the bonus period ends on 31st October. Thereafter you will still be able to migrate should you wish to, but no additional bonus will be paid.


We continue to supply small amounts of Bitcoin for people who wish to migrate their existing V2 coins.

Our new market place is now open, where items can be purchased for SCOT. If you have items you would like to sell please get in touch with us at [email protected]. The market is available at https://market.scotcoinproject.com

Indiesquare wallet

An issue has been brought to our attention in respect of people holding V2 within Indiesquare wallets.

Support for Indiesquare ceased some time ago and people have had a problem where although they can access the wallet, their coin is not showing.

  • Go to a laptop or PC and, using Chrome, use this website: https://wallet.counterwallet.io/#
  • Type in your 12 word passphrase, one space between each word and all lower case. The wallet should then open and the V2 be accessible.
  • If anyone has further issues please contact us at [email protected]

Original Scotcoin = V1

If you were one of the people who lost out when the original migration to V2 took place, please get in touch. We are offering an ex gratia payment of   ERC20 SCOT to original V1 holders who missed out on that  migration and who we can verify.

Security offer

We have exciting collaborations with external hard wallet companies Trezor and Ledger Nano, as well as an ingenious password protector and store  called Cryptosteel. In all cases if you make a purchase through ourselves we will refund our 10% commission to you in our new ERC20 Scotcoin.

You can find out about the benefits of hard wallets  and the peace of mind the Cryptosteel system brings on our YouTube channel here

Scotcoin bug bounty program

In light of a recent disclosure, TSP has taken the decision to announce an initial pool of 1m (1,000,000) Scotcoin worth around ~£100k at the time of writing. Bugs will attract bounties on the usual sliding scale related to their severity with self XSS attacks at the bottom of the ladder whilst RCE’s with an attached proof of concept will naturally attract top tier rewards.

Please make any disclosures to [email protected] and we look forward to working with the community to create a safe, usable and practical crypto environment for Scotland and beyond.

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