meet up logoDate: Tues 27 March @ 7pm

Venue: Wheel Inn, 37 Angus Rd, Scone, Perth PH2 6RA


Join us for an unmissable Meet Up at the original home of Scotland’s Stone of Destiny – Scone, Perthshire – we will be announcing important information on Scotcoin’s future.

What’s happening with my Scotcoin?

Scotcoin is planning a migration to V3 on our new permissioned blockchain.  There will be a generous bonus incentive for current V2 holders wishing to migrate to V3 or you’ll be able to hold your existing Scotcoin in its current format.

We’ll explain a little more about why we feel this is necessary at the event.

Why do you think permissioned blockchains are the way forward for cryptocurrency?

Well, for a start, it takes the cowboys out the picture – the UK’s first cryptocurrency heist would have been impossible on a blockchain where all the users were properly identity checked.

Currently transactions on the Bitcoin blockchain are averaging 3% of the transaction – we don’t believe that’s sustainable for a useable currency.

Our belief is that cryptocurrency can only become more widely accepted if it is traceable and able to conduct fast, secure transactions with low fees.

What else will we be seeing?

You’ll be the very first to see the exciting results of our latest development process with partners Cloudsoft – our technical team have been thrilled with the results.


7pm:                Introduction by Temple Melville, co-owner of Scotcoin IP/brand

7:15pm:           Project director Willie Fleming, update on the progress of work on the new blockchain

8pm:                Security director Brian Mackay on keeping your cryptocurrency safe

8:30pm:           David Low, co-owner of Scotcoin IP/brand, explaining his vision of how cryptocurrency will be more widely adopted through regulation.

Complimentary tea and biscuits.

We hope you are able to join us.


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