Scotcoin on BBC Radio Scotland

Don’t miss Scotcoin and The Scotcoin Project CIC being discussed by John Beattie on BBC Radio Scotland with our own David Low on BBC Scotland Drivetime yesterday.  Five-minute segment starts around 39.20. Interview held at Arlington Bar in Glasgow – where Scotcoin is accepted and where you can buy a pint of Stone of Destiny […]

The Scotcoin Project CIC (“TSP”) Director Appointment

TSP is pleased to announce the appointment of Douglas Drummond as a director with immediate effect. Douglas has a long association with Scotcoin and was instrumental in developing and testing the ERC20 SCOT, Douglas has a wide breadth of experience in blockchain and crypto currencies and will be an invaluable member of the project going […]

The New Scotwallet Android app is now on Google play store

The Scotcoin Project CIC is delighted to announce that Google Play store has approved the Android version of our Scotwallet token tracker. Please note:  It does NOT provide custody or safe keeping of your tokens. This service simply provides access to the Ethereum Blockchain You can download it here: You can login using your existing […]

The Scotcoin Project CIC announces auditor of contract code

TSP is pleased to announce that Hacken will be undertaking the contract audit of Scotcoin’s new ERC20 token. Hacken is a trusted top ten auditor of security projects as defined by, alongside the likes of Open Zeppelin and Certik, and have audited many significant coins. Their details can be found at Temple Melville, […]

The Scotcoin Project CIC joins CryptoUK

We are delighted to announce that we have joined CryptoUK, the UK’s leading Association of Crypto companies. Apart from representing the Crypto industry in general, the Association has been working hard with the FCA to align the interests of both sides. The Association has over 50 members including, the likes of Binance, Coinbase and CryptoCompare. […]

The Scotcoin Project CIC new ERC20 token is now ready for deployment

As you are aware TSPCIC has been committed to creating a new and more user-friendly Scotcoin for some time. After prolonged consideration and feedback from numerous stakeholders, funders and advisors we have settled on using the Ethereum blockchain as it satisfies the five original criteria laid down by the funders. These criteria are:- an efficient and cost […]

Video guides for the new Scotcoin V3 token

Scotcoin is moving to a new blockchain system. We’ve recently published a series of video setup guides to get ready for the new Scotcoin V3 token >