Digital Currencies and the Third Sector

A webinar recording discussing digital currencies and the Third Sector held by the Social Enterprise Scotland Event with Scotcoin’s David Hood, CEO Temple Melville and Jonathan Richards, held on 3rd of November 2021:  

How the EU could get out of its present pickle – and negative interest

If you have been following what is going on over the Channel, you will know that Macron and Merkel have underwritten some more money for the whole of the EU. As ever, they don’t differentiate between the wealthy northern nations and the bankrupt southern ones, and as a result as of now the one size […]

ARE we going cashless?

There has been much talk of the UK going cashless, particularly because of the relentless drive of contactless. ATMs are reducing in number, especially as the banks in the UK now rake in £100 million a year in fees from the consumer. That machine that charges £1.99 to take out £20 is now a profit […]

Why More Countries are Exploring Digital Currencies

Last week, reports emerged indicating that Russia had entered into talks over the development of a new national digital currency which would operate alongside the ruble. Now, the Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ has confirmed that it has been undertaking its own experiments with digital currency. Both parties are huge players in the world economy. For […]